The Bugle is committed to keeping our readers informed about candidates and measures on the November 2nd ballot. Today, The Bugle speaks with Dune Salverson, manager of the Blazer Pot Dispensary in San Jose, about Proposition 19, which, if passed by voters, would legalize the use of marijuana in California.
Bugle: Dune, some say most dispensaries and their customers are flouting the law and most “patients” actually don’t have serious medical issues. How do you respond to those allegations?
Salverson: Man, where’s my shoe? I lost my shoe, dude!
Bugle: It’s right there on your foot, uh, dude.
Salverson: Oh, man...right. Ha ha ha. What was the question again?
Bugle: What types of medical issues do your “patients” suffer from?
Salverson: Oh, man, I am so baked right now. Do you have any chips?
Bugle: No, sorry. Do you think Prop 19 will pass?
Salverson: Man, when I first...wait...listen...did you hear that, dude?
Bugle: No, I didn’t hear anything.
Salverson: Do you think I sound dumb? Ha ha ha. Dude, your forehead is so totally shiny...oh my God!
Bugle: Thank you.
Salverson: Wait, watch this. I just learned to do a cartwheel, man. Wanna see? It’s so (expletive deleted) cool!
Bugle: Well, I suppose.
Salverson: (dozes off)